Dr. Sue Aery

Dr. Sue Aery has been practicing in Highlands, NC, since 2006 and now in Clayton since 2019. Dr. Sue’s passion is helping her patients get out of pain to achieve a life of vitality. Always learning and honing her skills, she finds the best and most effective ways to help her patients. She is keenly aware that the body is designed to respond to natural healing techniques, which help the body do what it does best- HEAL! Dr. Sue combines her knowledge of diversified chiropractic techniques, a focus on nutritional components and other therapies offered to develop and implement the best treatment plan for each individual to get them to the highest possible level of function.
Dr. Sue’s experience as a professional athlete has helped her understand pain, injury and the process needed to fully heal. She combines this knowledge with approaches to healing that include TRT (tissue regeneration therapy), acupuncture, nutrition and other therapies, helping her patients avoid surgery or invasive procedures. Her guiding presence and empathetic approach are also valuable tools to help her patients decide what steps to take next for the greatest and most lasting outcome.
Dr. Sue loves the communities that she serves as well as living with her family in the mountains of GA and NC. She enjoys her four legged family, the mountain trails and furthering her education. She is currently pursuing her next degree in Functional Medicine, complementing her knowledge of health and wellness to help more patients in their quest for higher health!